pondelok 14. marca 2011

endoscopy, endoskopia, GIT

zoznam endoskopií  / instructive endoscopies - most common findings

video journal and encyclopaedia

endoscopy images





the following links were from DAVE project, however,
DAVEproject seems to be dead on www, try iTunes
- normálny nález pri ezofagogastroduodenoskopii - normal upper endoscopy
-  mykotická ezofagitída (kandidóza) - thrush - esopagitis  - u HIV pozitívneho pacienta

- umiestnenie stentu - esophageal stent - adenocarcinoma

krvácajúce pažerákové varixy u pacientky s Ci pečene - ligácia -
band ligation of bleeding gastroesophageal varices in patient with liver cirrhosis

krvácajúce ezofageálne varixy - skleroterapia - sclerotherapy

vred žalúdka - po aspiríne - gastric ulcer post NSAID - + healed after treatment with proton pump inhibitor

Malloryho-Weissov syndróm - fissura sliznice gastroezofageálneho spojenia - Mallory-Weiss sy

viac na stránke DAVEproject

utorok 8. marca 2011

utorok 1. marca 2011

CARDIO, radiology, koronárna angiografia, coronary angiography, cardiovascular imaging

1. >>>> Anatomy of the coronary arteries: anatomical atlas on a coronarograph. <<<<<
- bezplatná registrácia - xxxxxx- interaktívna, veľmi dobrá stránka, incl. kurzy a kvízy a kazuistiky !!! ].
- interactive website
- requires free registration

3. Cardiac Anatomy. Available at: http://www.radiologyassistant.nl/en/48ce14c4dcd2e#a48ce14c4ed6cf [Cit Marec 1, 2011].
4. CARDIOLOGY SITE - angiography - auscultation. Available at: http://www.cardiologysite.com/html/principles3.html

coronary anatomy - website devoted to coronary anatomy
5. Coronary Anatomy. Available at: http://www.radiologyassistant.nl/en/48275120e2ed5 [Cit Marec 1, 2011].
8. the Radiology Assistant. Available at: http://www.radiologyassistant.nl/en/42023a885587e [Cit Marec 1, 2011].
9. Yale: Cardiothoracic Imaging - CORONARY STENOSIS. Available at: http://www.yale.edu/imaging/findings/coronary_stenosis/index.html [Cit Február 28, 2011].
10. Yale: Cardiothoracic Imaging - Thoracic landmarks. Available at: http://www.yale.edu/imaging/anatomy/thoracic_landmarks/index.html [Cit Február 28, 2011].
11. Yale: Cardiothoracic Imaging - Transthoracic echocardiography. Available at: http://www.yale.edu/imaging/techniques/echo_intro/index.html [Cit Február 28, 2011].

12. transthoracic echocardiography (Ontario)
- visualization - anatomy, image
- interactive - different views, slices, good for imagination of procedure
- ********

chest X ray

6. Education Chestx-ray.com. Available at: http://www.chestx-ray.com/Education/Education.html [rentgen hrudníka - interpretácia].
7. Pneumonics. Available at: http://www.chestx-ray.com/Education/Educat.html [Cit Február 28, 2011].